Language: Romansch
In cordial salid da la Svizra rumantscha!
Romansch (or: 'Romansh') is a romance language spoken in the southeastern Swiss canton of Graubünden, where it has an official status alongside German and Italian. Although it is the oldest language of the country, Romansch has been recognized as a national language of Switzerland only since 1938.
The Romansch speaking people of Switzerland form the smallest language group in Switzerland and the most threatened language in our country. In comparison to the other three national languages, German, French and Italian, the Romansch speakers have no linguistic background outside of Switzerland.
Romansch people are all at least bilingual (usually Romansch and German).

I speak three languages: Romansh, German
and English. I couldn't really say what my native language is, because it's
both Romansh and German. My mother doesn't speak Romansh, so the first language
I learnt was German, Swiss-German in fact. It was the television that taught me
how to speak formal German, even if it wasn't taught at school until the fourth
grade. When I came to kindergarten all the other children were speaking Romansh
and so I also had to learn it. Now I speak only Romansh when I'm at home. I
attend the bilingual department at my school which means that both languages,
Romansh and German, are instructed with the same amount of lessons. I've been
learning English for four years now since it started when I was in seventh grade.
When I heard that we're taking part in this
project I was very happy about it. I'm really looking forward to meeting people
that also speak a minority language. I hope that I can learn something about
their culture, their country and especially about what life is like there where
they live. It's great that our
class gets the chance to go to visit other places together.

In my freetime I like listening to music,
hanging out with friends, hiking, partying and doing sports. My main sport is
climbing. Nearly everyone in my family climbs, which is I’ve been climbing
since I was six years old.
I speak four languages: German, Romansh, English
and Spanish. My das speaks Romansh and my mother speaks German. At home we
speak a mixture between these two languages, but a little bit more German. In
kindergarden and in primary school I spoke Romansh. In the fourth primary class
we started learning German. All other subjects were taught in Romansh. I
attended secondary school in Ilanz. There I had Romansh just as one subject and
all the other subjects were spoken in German and the subject English was new.
At the moment I attend the „Bündner Kantonsschule“ in Chur, where I do the
bilingual matriculation, which is Romansh and German. And one year ago I
started learning Spanish.
I’m really looking forward to
learning something about other minority languages, other cultures and other
stuff. I will also be very pleased to make new friends.

grew up speaking Romansh with my parents, although we’ve lived in a German-speaking area. When I started going to kindergarten, I also started learning German.
Although I went to a Romansh-speaking kindergarten, most of the other kids could only speak German. So when I had my first day of
school, I could speak Romansh as well as German. In fourth class we first had Italian at school. I’m not a fan of learning
languages, so didn’t like the lessons. After the sixth class I decided to go to
the grammar school in Chur. There I finally learned English. Besides English I also had Italian, German and Romansh
lessons. In second class I had Latin in addition
to the other languages. I hated it. I’m glad I had it only for two years. Since
the third class I don’t have Italian anymore either. At the moment, I’m in the fifth class of grammar
school, I only have English, German and Romansh lessons, and that’s enough in
my opinion.
I said above I’m in a robotics club called HelveticRobot. There we build and
programme robots which have to play soccer. For a competition we have to build
two robots which can, in best case, communicate with each other. In a game they
play against two robots of another team. It’s fun and it’s interesting, because you learn many things about robots and how
they actually work. I’m in the World Cup team, so this year I’m allowed to go
to Japan.
In winter I really like go skiing. A few years ago I
tried snowboarding, but I didn’t like it so much. I think I started skiing when
I was three years old, but I’m not sure. In the holidays I really like to go travelling. It doesn’t
have to be abroad, I just want to see the world.
My favourite holiday destinations where I want to go once are New Zealand and
My name is Alexander Bott and I am 18 years
old. I was born and raised in a small village called Valchava. My mother's name
is Jolanda and my father's name is Fritz. I have got a brother, called Manuel,
who is 2 years older than me and a little sister, called Sara, who is 4 years
younger than me. When I was six years old I went to the kindergarden for two
years. After that, I went to the primary school in Müstair. I attended the
primary school for six years. The next three years I attended the first, second
and third class of the secondary school in Sta.Maria. After that I attended the
compulsory school I wanted to attend the high school in Chur. Now I am in the
fifth high school year and have one more to go.
My name is Curdin Steinauer.I was born on February 21st in 1999. I have always lived in
Trin, a village on the west side of Chur. It's at the beginning of the
Surselva, a Romansh speaking valley. Trin has about 1200 inhabitants. I go to
school everyday by bus. My brother is one and a half years older than me. In my
free time firstly I am in a robotics club. We build
My Name is Donat Deplazes. I was born
1998 on the 4th of April. I grew up in a very peaceful village called Surrein
which only 150 people inhabit. What I like most about it and the valley itself
called Surselva are the beautiful mountains, the silent lakes and most of all
the fresh air. Sometimes it's hard for me to leave my valley because Chur, the
town where I go to school, doesn't feel like home because it's more noisy and
Hello, my name is Anna Bärtsch. I'm 18 years old and I live in Falera. In the
winter it's a huge ski resort (LAAX). In my freetime I do a lot of sports like
surfing, snowboarding, climbing, jogging and so on. I also like reading and
singing. Most of the books I read are in English. I love the sea and the
My name is Lina Camenisch and I'm 18 years old. I was born in Chur, the
capital city of Grisons, Switzerland. I went to primary school in Chur. When I
was 15 I went to Italy for one year. There I stayed with a hostfamily and I
went to an Italian liceo to study Italian. Now I'm at my second last year at
the Graubündner
Kantonsschule Chur. I've got a brother, Casper. He's 19 years old but we don' get on with
each other very well. I also have a boyfriend for nearly three years. His name
is Mirco, he's 21 years old and he's from the Romansh-speaking part of Grisons.
In my freetime I like doing martial arts and spending time with friends.

I speak two languages fluently. Rumantsch
and German. I can speak a little bit English too, but not as fluently as I
I'm really active in my free time. I spend
a lot of time doing sports. My favourite sport is Basketball, I really adore
that game. I play for Chur Basket now for my third stright year. Actually we
practice five times a week, but I cannot afford to go to all of it because I
cannot neglect my schoolwork. At weekends we mostly have games. At the moment I
could not imagine a life without that beautiful game. Another sport I play is
football but it is not nearly as interesting as basketball and I'm not as good
at it as I'm at basketball. In addition I like making music. At first, when I
was 9 years old, I learned to play the saxophone but now I have not played it
for more than two years. Instead I started playing the guitar and the piano.
Now I have been playing both of them for about 2 years. Other things I like to
do is spend time with my friends, fishing and hunting.
Age : 18
Born and raised in Zernez
From my first breath till my 16th year I
lived, went to school, met friends and did sports in Zernez. Basically
everything. When I finished the obligatory school (9 school years) I decided to
go to High school. After I passed the entrance exam I went as far as I could
from Zernez. It isn't actually very far from Zernez but it was a first step. I
went to High school in Chur. Now in my third year and I have one year to go.
After High school I'll go to the Swiss
army like everybody has to do in Switzerland. That lasts about 1 year (300
days). After that I'll probably study at a univerity but I'm still not sure
Languages I speak fluently: Rumantsch (Vallader), German
Languages I'm not fluent in: English
The first estimated 10 years of my life I
only spoke Rumantsch. But I understood a lot of German because of the TV. In
3rd grade I started to learn German and I'm still learning. In the 7th grade I
started with English and I'm still struggling. I really like languages but It's
a bit of a struggle. I'm not really good at writing correctly.
I like reading
books in particular high fantasy. I'm also interested in sports. I like
watching sports, in particular NBA, but I also like playing Ice Hockey and
skiing. I like walking in the mountains and to go hunting with my dad. Not
because I like killing animals, not at all. More because you are in the forest
walking and watching animals. I also like to meet my friends and drink a beer
with them and have a nice chat.
My name is
Naomi Arpagaus. I'm 16 years old and live in Laax. Laax is a beautiful village
in the Grisons and has a very nice ski resort which is quite popular. I live
there with my cat, my parents and my older sister. She has just finished her
apprenticeship and goes to school now for another year.
In my spare time, when
it rains and I stay at home, I like drawing, making music or watching films. If
the sun shines I love going out with friends, doing some sports or just hanging
out at the lake. I also like cooking and baking very much. I took piano lessons
for about 4 years but now I just play it at home when I have time. For about a
year I have been playing the cello. I also play in an orchestra where we meet
every second Saturday to practise. Next to playing the cello I go to the
cantonal school of the Grisons where I learn a lot of languages.
My mother
tongue is Romansh, but I also speak German nearly like a native speaker because
you learn it automatically in a village like Laax where both are spoken. You
almost can't get through with just Romansh because the regions where Romansh is
spoken aren't that big and they are anyway very often mixed with both German
and Romansh speaking people. I have also had German lessons since my fourth
year at primary school which I believe is a very good age to learn a second
language. Then about four years ago I started to learn English and for one year
I attended an Italian class. A year ago I started to learn Spanish at school
and I really enjoy it. I generally love learning languages because you can
always use them. Also by knowing Romansh it wasn't that hard for me to learn
these different languages because they are very similar to each other. In
future I certainly want to learn more languages, especially Bosnian, because
that's my father's mother tongue.
I'm looking forward to this project very much and hope to learn many new things about the different minority languages in Europe and as well about the countries we are going to visit. I like the fact that there are more minority languages that might be in a similar situation as we are and that we can meet them to exchange information and get to know things about them, the dificulties and advantages of their language, and also about their culture.
I'm looking forward to this project very much and hope to learn many new things about the different minority languages in Europe and as well about the countries we are going to visit. I like the fact that there are more minority languages that might be in a similar situation as we are and that we can meet them to exchange information and get to know things about them, the dificulties and advantages of their language, and also about their culture.

robots there which play soccer or drive through a maze. We
are probbably going to Japan in summer 2017 with these soccer robots, to take
part in the robot challenge. Secondly I go climbing and mountaineering. I often
do this with my brother and some friends. In winter I go skiing in the
neighbouring village, but more often I go ski touring. With a kind of synthetic
fur on the lower side of the skis we walk up mountains and after this we ski
down. And somtimes I go ice climbing. After this school I would like to study
electrical engineering or something in this direction.
My mother was born in the Engadin, the very east part of
switzerland. The language Vallader, which is spoken there, and the
Sursilvan speaking parts have the longest distance to each other, in the Romansh speaking
parts of Grisons, so they are quite diffrent. So I learnt Vallader, the
idiom of my mum when I grew up. Later in the kindergarden and primary school I
learnt the idiom Sursilvan, which I still have in school now.
I am intrested in what you do in your free time and what your culture is
like. I look forward to learning about language minorities. Do you have school
lessons in your language? How many people talk it? I hope these questions will
be answered. I have travelled to Great Britain but I have never been to Finland
or Poland.
In my
free time I like playing volleyball, listening to music, skiing and sometimes
reading fantasy books or drawing. We have got two rabbits.I really like
animals. I have got a sister called Zoe who is fifteen years old. At the moment
I am studying in Chur. I lived in Bivio for six years
then we moved house to
My native language is German. In the Kindergarten I had to learn Romansch.
In the secondary school we started to learn English and a year ago I began to
learn Spanish in school. One of my desires concerning languages is to learn
Italian, because I think it is a beautiful language.

I have another brother called Cundrau
who's working in Zurich as an electrician. He's also the type of guy who finds
it hard to leave the well-known roots.
In my childhood I learned Romansh as my
mother tongue. Therefore it is the language of my heart, but is very hard to use
in a formal way.
I also started learning High German from a very early
moment, by watching a lot television. I actually have a stronger vocubulary in
High German than in Romansh, which I find a shame. Because most Romansh
speaking people have a bigger vocubulary in High German, we mixe them up a lot.
But I don't think that this is an isolated case in such a multicultural time
like we live in.
Swiss German was much harder to learn,
because I only learned it by speaking with relatives who grew up in central
Switzerland and therefore never had enough practice to really learn Romansh by
speaking it with their Romansh speaking parent. Actually I couldn't speak any
Swiss German till I started going on a German speaking school 4 years ago.
I started to learn when I was 12 by watching short clips on youtube that entertained
me anyway even if I didn't undertand a single word.
My name is Stina Hendry, I'm 17 years old
and I attend the fifth year of the cantonal school of the
Grisons. I grew up in a little village in the mountain area. Because of school
I also had to move to Chur. I live here in a boarding hostel with a lot of
other students, which I really enjoy.

My big passions are drama, arts
and writing. Mostly I'm involved in different theater projects, so I'm part of
the cast of the Young Theater Chur. Beside this I also spend a lot of time
writing. I usually write in Romansh althogh my native language is German in fact. But Romansh seems more
emotional to me. My biggest project has been the Romansh fantasy novel
"Emalio" which I wrote together with Flurina Albin, one of my best
friends. At the moment we are working on a second book
but it will take a few years until it will be published.
My native language is German, because my
mother is from the German speaking part of Switzerland. Although my father is Romansh speaking I first learned German.
But of course Romansh is now just like a second native language to me. At school we had to speak Romansh until the fourth year. Then my classmates had their first German
lessons. For me it was a big advantage to have a German speaking family. When I
was thirteen I started learning English at school. A second change at school
was that all the lessons were held in German. I also had Italian and Spanish lessons each one for a year. Romansh was
really useful because it simplifies the learning of
those languages.
really interested in languages themselves but of course also in the people who
speak them, because I had the experience to have
access to German and Romansh society, which is
actually not a big difference but the mentality is quite different, as Romansh
is a minority. But it makes me curious and I’d like to know more about other minorities and their
problems and difficulties. I’d also like to know more about the political aspects, which
minorities often have to deal with and compare them with the situation of my

My brother and I both learnt Romansh in the kindergarden
because our parents can't speak Romansh. At home we only speak German. Now I
attend a bilingual high school. I attend it in Romansh and German. At the
primary school I learnt English which is one of my favourite languages. In
every day life I mostly talk German. Just at school and with some friends I
talk Romansh.
I want to know what problems other minorities have to
struggle with. I love to travel and get to know many different people, see
different places, how people live there, the language, special food or drinks
and so on. After this time, I hope I can understand other minorities and that
the different minorities keep in touch.

My first language is German but I also speak Romansh
fluently. Furthermore I speak Italian, French and English, which I learned at
school. However, I don't like English and I'm not good at it.
I’m really looking forward to learning something
about other minority languages and other cultures. I'll be pleased to get to know new
My name is Chiara Caspers and I'm a 17 year
old girl. I was born in a little village called Vuorz in the Swiss Surselva.
That's a region in the south-eastern alps of the country where Romansh is
spoken. I don't have any siblings. I have always liked doing sports and I have
been doing Gimnastics for ten years. I attend the "Scola Chantunala
Grischuna" in Chur, the capital town in this Romansh speaking region but
people living in the town itself mainly speak Swiss-German.

I speak German, Romanch, Spanish and a
little English. When I was little, my parents moved with me from Switzerland to
Spain where my grandmother lives. It didn't work out so well and after some
time we moved back to Trin in Switzerland. This is a village in the Romansh
speaking region as well, but it's just at the border to the Swiss-German part so
it's pretty "germanized". Schools have to deal with children who
don't know any Romansh so the whole class starts to speak German and Romansh
starts to get lost. And so it was for me. Until I was about five years old I
could speak Romansh better than German but since we moved to Trin this has
changed a lot. My mother is native Romansh-speaking and my dad is from Germany.
So in my house we speak two languages.
Now I am grateful that at school where I am
now there's a billingual education and I see how much this is helping me to
keep the language. We are also able to learn other languages - as I am now
learning English and French as well. I have only just been on an exchange year
in Costa Rica and there I learned Spanish.
This is also the reason why I instantly
liked the idea of this project. Exchanging cultures and languages is always
something really intereresting and instructive. Particularly if we get the
possibility to get to know other minorities and their way of dealing with their
situation. I am really looking forward to learning about other countries and
getting to know new people.
Born: 28.01.1998
So about my free time activities. I really like
winter, because I can do my favourite sport activities. I really love to
snowboard, ice skating and I am fond of walking through the wonderful winter
atmosphere. But on the other hand I also like Summer. I really enjoy monocycling.
I have done it for 6 years. In summer I also like playing tennis and I really
enjoy going out with friends, having a great time and a nice chat.
Born: 28.01.1998
in: Camischolas
I grew up in Camischolas. It is a Rumantsch
speaking village. Camischolas is surrounded by huge mountains and in winter we
have a lot snow. I only spoke Rumantsch in the first years of my life, but because
of the television I learned to speak and to understand German. From the forth
primary school away we learned German as a subject. Years later we started to
learn English and I’m still struggling with it.
Languages I speak fluently are Rumantsch (Sursilvan)
and German, but I am not fluent in speaking English. One day I would like to
learn Italian, because my grandfather was an Italian man and I really like the
language melody. In my future I want to travel the world and I would like to
see as many different countries as possible.
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